Divorce Day, A Collaboration between the Volunteer Lawyer Project and McGill Law

At McGill Law, we believe everyone deserves an opportunity to access the court system without regard to gender, race, sexual orientation, or economic status, which is why McGill Law has partnered with the Volunteer Lawyer Project (“VLP”) in order to provide legal services to those who could not otherwise afford legal assistance in seeking a dissolution.  This partnership aims to bridge the gap between necessary legal services and those couples seeking a divorce. By combining their expertise, resources, and shared vision, McGill Law and VLP seek to make an impact in the lives of those in our community who would not otherwise have access to a lawyer in a dissolution proceeding.  

The Nebraska State Bar Association began VLP in 1983 to help Nebraska attorneys meet their pro bono goals.  In 2022, VLP assisted more than 8,700 Nebraskans.  By joining forces, McGill law and VLP aim to expand their reach in the community and enable both organizations to pool their knowledge, networks, and resources. McGill Law’s experienced attorneys will provide valuable legal expertise to those in need. VLP provides essential services to partnering organizations by streamlining the administrative process and providing necessary support to the partnering law firm. By coming together, VLP and McGill Law hope to provide a level of expertise and experience that underserved Nebraskans might not otherwise have the ability to access.

McGill Law looks forward to continuing this partnership with VLP by ensuring equal access to legal services and making a positive impact on the lives of the underserved in Nebraska. The inaugural McGill Law/VLP “Divorce Day” will take place on September 21, 2023, at the McGill Law offices in Omaha where we will be able to assist numerous couples in divorcing with dignity.